What the members say
Norwich Speakers Club continues to be successful and we are proud of how we support all our member's to achieve their personal goals.
Take a look below at the feedback and then why not come and visit the club to find out more.
I joined Norwich Speakers Club as my job role was increasingly putting me in speaking situations that I was not comfortable with. Volunteering to stand up and speak and participating in different roles is improving my confidence immensely. Just seeing how others are developing and stretching their comfort zones also is inspirational.
Carolyn, Norwich

"I initially joined Toastmasters to improve my public speaking in preparation for a Best Mans speech in 2021. Not long after joining I realised that there was so much more I could benefit from by becoming a Toastmaster and enrolling on one of the Pathways. I'm now working towards the Persuasive Influence path, and although I'm at level 1 I've learnt a lot in my last year and a half with Toastmasters. I'm a much better listener, and I'm able to quickly summarise and relay to the speaker what I've heard to ensure I've understood their point. Which is an extremely useful skill for my role as a Project Manager. Plus I've met some amazing people, heard some brilliant speeches and been truly welcomed by Norwich Speakers Club, everyone is so friendly, thanks for reading cheers".
Daniel, Norwich

I have been a member of Norwich Speakers Club (NSC) since 2003. NSC is a friendly club with speakers of all standards present, should you wish to attend, you will be greeted warmly and made to feel most welcome.
Clive, Norwich

My sister joined a Toastmasters club in Sydney, Australia and told me that not only was it a great way to gain confidence in public speaking, both at work and at social occasions, it was also a very sociable, supportive environment in which to learn these skills. She was right, Toastmasters has made the whole learning experience enjoyable and fun.
Julie, Norwich

I had no idea the journey I had embarked on when I joined Toastmasters at NSC in 2012. I knew I had walked into a room full of friendly faces and was quickly reassured that I didn’t need to worry despite the fact it was a public speaking group. However, what I didn’t know was just how powerful and effective the Toastmasters programme was. It soon became evident that I could work at the pace I chose and that everything was in place to support me every inch of the way. Meeting like-minded people who shared my concerns was naturally comforting too.
Since joining NSC my confidence has grown which has resulted in me gaining skills to enhance my role as a trainer and consultant. I have met so many interesting people from all walks of life and witnessed their journeys too. I have also learnt to observe and evaluate others speakers which has been beneficial both to them and also myself.
My real progression though, was to dare to enter speech contests and actually win some! This meant taking my speeches to another level and I have enjoyed the rollercoaster ride as a result. Toastmasters is a great place to socialise, learn new skills and meet interesting people of all ages.
Anita, Norwich